The 2024 PERFORMING ARTS BC Provincial Festival Fort St. John, June 2 - 6 The Association is grateful to our many individual and corporate donors for their sponsorship.
Performing Arts B.C. Festivals Society (Performing Arts BC) is an organization of thirty-four local Member-Festivals located throughout the Province of British Columbia. This Syllabus outlines the rules, regulations and requirements for performers who are recommended by adjudicators at the Local level to proceed to the Provincial level of competition.
The 2023 - 2024 PABC Syllabus is available through the link below. There are a few changes this year so please read the syllabus carefully. PABC is moving to TOTAL TIMES for all performances in the Music and Speech Arts sections. Timing starts after the firth tuning and includes the introductions, performances, applause between numbers, and minor costume additions, further tunings and so on. Some total times for classes have been increased to accommodate this change. Please read the section on TOTAL TIMES very carefully so that your program does not exceed the allotted time. The maximum age for any performer in the music and speech arts sections is now 22. The maximum age for Level III dance has been lowered to 18 and for Provincial Excellence dance to 20.